This three-day instructor-led class is designed to help IT professionals prepare for the Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) exam.
This Track Includes:
Python Institute – Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) – 3 Days
PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming
3 Days
The PCAP™ – Certified Associate in Python Programming certification (Exam PCAP-31-0x) is a professional, high-stakes credential that measures the candidate’s ability to perform intermediate-level coding tasks in the Python language, including the ability to design, develop, debug, execute, and refactor multi-module Python programs, as well as measures their skills and knowledge related to analyzing and modeling real-life problems in OOP categories with the use of the fundamental notions and techniques available in the object-oriented approach.
Becoming PCAP™ certified ensures that the individual is fully acquainted with all the primary means provided by Python 3 to enable them to start their own studies at an advanced level, and to open a path to the developer’s career.
PCAP™ certification is an interim step to the PCPP1™ certification, a great motivator for self-improvement and self-development, and most importantly – the means to keep one’s programming skills up to date and demonstrate them to others. Becoming PCAP™ certified reflects the candidate’s interest in developing a higher level of proficiency and a more in-depth understanding of Python, as well as their ability to use it for commercial and non-commercial general-purpose programming projects, and create, develop, and improve their own programming portfolio to increase their value in the job market.
You will learn
- Learn general coding techniques and best practices
- Learn to use object-oriented programming in Python
- Learn how to import and use Python modules
- Learn how to handle exceptions
- Learn how to process files
- Prepare for PCAP certification
Course Outline
Modules, Packages and PIP
Importing and using Python modules; using some of the most useful Python standard library modules; constructing and using Python packages; PIP (Python Installation Package) and how to use it to install and uninstall ready-to-use packages from PyPI.
Strings, String and List Methods, Exceptions
TCharacters, strings and coding standards; Strings vs. lists – similarities and differences; Lists methods; String methods; Python’s way of handling runtime errors; Controlling the flow of errors using try and except; Hierarchy of exceptions.
Object Oriented Programming
Generators, iterators and closures; Working with file-system, directory tree and files; Selected Python Standard Library modules (os, datetime, time, and calendar.)
Aspiring programmers
Software developers
Data Analysts
Team Leaders
Product Managers
Project Managers
Recommended: Python Essentials – Part 1 (Basics)
PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming
Below is a Course Schedule for this:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
9,10,11 | 6,7,8 | 13,14,15 | 10,11,12 | 8,9,10 | 12,13,14 |
July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Duration: 4 Days
Course Fee
Course Fee | $2500.00 |
SME (Company Sponsored) – All Singaporean and Permanent Resident Employee | NA |
Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above | NA |
Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident aged 21 years old and above | NA |